Monday, October 17, 2011

Abstract on Ch. 6, Ronson

In chapter 6, Ronson first finds himself in Shubuta, Mississippi. He was doing background search on Al Dunlap before interviewing him. Ronson believes that Al Dunalp, a ex-CEO of a toaster corporation, may be a psychopath. Once interviewed, Dunlap agrees to most of Ronson's accusation, but that he's not a psychopath. Ronson meets up with Bob Hare afterwards to talk about Dunlap. Hare and Ronson may believe that Dunlap is a psychopath. Ronson finds out more information concerning Al Dunlap such as his success and misfortune.

Chapter 6 was very long and dragged on about Al Dunlap. The part in this chapter that I found most uninteresting was the last story. It was difficult to understand what "P/E on Nxt FY: 27.5X" meant. It bothered me that Ronson could not explain that in an understanding way. It was interesting to learn about Al Dunlap though. He lead an unusual and powerful life. It is sad that he no longer had the support of his sister and son though. In Chapter 7, Ronson got a chance to review all of his research with his good friend, Adam Curtis. Curtis brought up a really good point to how Ronson might be over thinking all of this. For me, I do have some connection with the checklist (even though I said I didn't want to read it). It is hard to except the truth but at least Ronson realized it with the help of his friend. A story was told in this chapter that made me look it up on Google. Deleese Williams had a chance to get facial surgery from ABC's Extreme Makeover. But after finding out that her family truly saw her as embarrassing and ugly, she was no longer able to have the surgery due to a budgeted schedule. Her story was very sad and made me think how much strangers can have an effect on people. Overall, these two chapters were long but good. I liked it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Research Question

How has sex moralities changed over the years?

Every generation has a norm when it come to talking about sex and having sex. What I want to find out is how it has changed over time. It the olden days, sex was a personal thing. Only couples would have sex and usually they were married. As the years past, adultery and under-age sex became more common. The Greeks especially had experiences with that. But soon sex was once again a private matter among two married people. The years continued to go by, and soon enough homosexuality played a large role in sex history. While communities were trying to adjust to gays and lesbians, a baby boom exploded and it had seemed like everyone was having sex. Sex began to cause issues further than adultery and babies; sex soon involved STI's among men and women. A bigger issue recently appeared when teenagers began to develop their own sex norms. Unwanted pregnancies and unwanted STI's protection generated into something that people no longer feel as important as pleasure and sex acceptance in our current society.

I feel like I can do a lot with this topic. I am interested in further finding out information about sex moralities. I learned many interesting things from my Sociology 160 lecture, and that is what inspired me to write about this. Sex norms are changing all the time. This topic will give me a view of sex moralities before and after my generation.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Abstract on Ch. 4, Ronson

In chapter 4, Ronson was able to look into a psychologist. His name was Bob Hare and he studied psychopaths and how they were like. Hare believed that psychopaths could not be saved, but only made smarter. Hare's beginning experiments involved a shock test. His theory was that psychopaths could not feel pain. But after his shock test was brought down, Hare designed a survey-like test to test his new theories. Ronson joined many other people, in Hare's conference, to learn how to use this test. The test is suppose to find out who are the psychopaths. The way that the test works it that the number of answers you answer incorrect, you're a psychopath. Easily, this test was called 'The Psychopath Test". In Ronson's interview, Hare shared many of his experiences with psychopaths. This was able to help Ronson learn more about psychopaths and how they worked.

This chapter dragged on for a while but it did share a lot of good stories. The story that was most sad was the man who locked in mother up. I could never do that, but then again I am not a psychopath. It is interesting to see how many people are into the whole psychopath thing. In the very beginning of the chapter, Hare says that psychopaths can not be fixed. I 100% agree with that. From chapter 3, it just shows how psychopaths are able to learn and adapt to a certain criteria. I don't think I ever want to look at the Psychopath Test. It is kind of a silly thing for me.